Peculiarities of Colchicum Species Connected with the Systematics of Disputable Taxa


  • Oganezova G. H. Institute of botany after A. Takhtajyan NAS RA


Сolchicum, disputable species, Southern Transcaucasia, East Europe, evolution of pollination


Some species of genus Colchicum described from Southern Transcaucasia and East Europe are either considered their independence is arguable or negated (Brickell, 1984; Persson, 2007). To solve this problem a comparative anatomo-morphological study of the leaf, nectary and stamen connective structures of 21 species of the genus was carried out. In addition to it, the comparison includes some new data on 5 species from Armenia as well as on C. freynii that were investigated earlier (Oganezova, 2000). As a result the species status for С. bifolium, C. ninae, C. goharae, C. zangezurum, С. ancyrense (including C. biebersteinii), C. fominii, C. laetum was comfirmed. C. pannonicum must apparently be considered as a variety of C. autumnale, whereas C. luzitanum distinguishes considerably from C. autumnale and there are not any reasons to include it in the affinity group of the latter.
Morphological varieties of the nectary and stamen connective structures characteristic for the Colchicum species were revealed, which needs an additional special investigation. In the nectary structure there were found different types of the vascular system and secretory tissue with a probably different nectar productivity. In the connectives there were revealed variations of the vascular system and of the stamen filament structure that allows the anthers of different species to be differently arranged in a flower. Nevertheless, the presence of the above-mentioned varieties reveals the characteristic for Colchicum evolutionary transformations of the generative organs that are connected with pollination. This complements the obtained data on the potential changes in the strategy of the generative reproduction system of the genus in the different parts of its area (Огане зова , 2011).


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How to Cite

G. H. О. (2011). Peculiarities of Colchicum Species Connected with the Systematics of Disputable Taxa. TAKHTAJANIA, 1, 98–109. Retrieved from




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