The morphological components of the adaptive complex of some species of the genus Potentilla s. l.
Potentilla, adaptation, life forms, leaf, stipule, trichomesAbstract
Adaptation is always a complex of features. In some cases, the same macro- and micromorphological features can be adaptive for plants with different ecology - minor rearrangements ensure their functional lability. Comparison of species of the same genus, widespread in different ecological conditions, can reveal the main features that provide adaptation to a variety of environmental conditions. Species of the genus Potentilla (= Dasiphora) with different life forms and ecology, growing in Armenia, were selected as such an object. The leading morphological features that ensure the adaptation of the plant to the habitat during the growing season have been revealed – these are the structural features of the leaf; protection of points of growth of the following years of vegetation is provided by the structure of stipules and the peculiarities of the trichomes of the plant. The identified structures complement the adaptive potential of the life form of the species.
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