Colchicum s. str. (Colchicaceae) ցեղի հիստերանտ եւ սինանտ տեսակների աշխարհագրական եւ էվոլուցիոն տենդենցների յուրահատկությունները
Բանալի բառեր-:
Colchicum s. str., սինանտ, հիստերանտ տեսակներ, քրոմոսոմային ռասաներ, տարածման կենտրոններԱմփոփում
The Ancient Mediterranean genus Colchicum has two ecological groups, i.e. hysterant and synant species. The area of the hysterant species is shifted towards the west of the genus area. In the east it is limited by the western part of Iran. The area of the synant species practically coincides with the genus area. The genus on the whole is characterized by morphollogical variability of styles and stigmas which extends the inbreeding probabillity of mainly cross-pollinating species. Along with the morphological changes the species ploidy level increases. It is general knowledge, that such transformations are a mechanism of adaptation to new habitats. Hysterant species ploidy level extends towards the west of the area and comes up to a maximum of 24х, whereas the majority of species have the characteristic chromosome number 2n=54 (x=9). For synant species of Colchicum the maximum level of ploidy is 6х, 2n=54. This number characterizes species distributed from the extreme east of the area throughout Armenian Highland to the Balkans. Hysterant species have a single centre of diploid species in South-East Mediterranean (x=7, 9, 11). Synant species have two such centers, i. e. the area mentioned above with x=7 and the other one involves the territory of Armenian Highland and the agjacent areas (x=7, 9; 2n=14; 18). Morphological changes of styles and stigmas beginning from the structures blocking inbreeding to the structures facilitating inbreeding intensify with the distance from the diploid species centre. Such transformations occur in hysterant species in South-East Mediterranean and initiate their migration to the north and west of the area with an active speciation. In case of synant species such transformations are observed only in the second centre of diploid species, i.e. on Armenian Highland with the adjacent areas, from where they migrated to east and west of the area. South-East Mediterranean seems to be an important centre of origin of genus Colchicum. Anatolia and the Balkans are territories where two speciation torrents with different life cycles intersected, which accounts for the diversity of Colchicum species in this region.
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