The genus Androcymbium peculiarities as a separate taxon (according to a comparative analysis of morphology and anatomy of leaves, nectaries and connectives with the species of the genus Colchicum)
Androcymbium, Colchicum, morphology, anatomy, separate generaAbstract
Seven new species of the genus Androcymbium from South and North Africa and Europe were studied further to three species studied earlier (Оганезова, 2007). Leaf anatomical structure of this species has weak connection with their environmental conditions as opposed to the same structure of the genus Colchicum. On the other hand, the genus Androcymbium specialty is following. The leaves of Androcymbium are separated to leaves and bracts, and some species bracts are colored and perform attractive function. Small variability of nectary and connective structure of their species on opposite to species of Colchicum and Merendera was revealed. This means weak morphological specialization of the Androcymbium species pollination function. Androcymbium species leaf, nectary and connective structure revealed peculiarities to give rise for statement to save it as a separate genus – the ancestor of the genus Colchicum.
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