Early Pleistocene Tanacetum cf. chiliophyllum (Asteraceae) from Vorotan River basin (Armenia)
Sisian suite, Early Pleistocene, Tanacetum cf. chiliophyllum, imprint of leaflet, diatomaceous clayAbstract
Sedimentary deposits of the Early Pleistocene freshwater lake, folded layer by layer from various fractions of diatomites and products of volcanic faults, are widespread in southeastern part of Armenia, in the basin of the middle - upper course of the Vorotan River. Among the interlayers of diatomite clays from the Uyts-2 locality was found out an imprint of the leaflet of the basal leaf of Tanacetum, in good preservation (sample 30-U/222). The imprint is identified as Tanacetum cf. chiliophyllum (Fisch. et C.A. Mey.) Sch. Bip. This species is introduced as the fossil of the whole globe for the first time. Together with other imprints of herbaceous plants from the Sisian suite, the finding of leaflet of Tanacetum indicates the existence of open landscapes at the beginning of the anthropogenic period in the Vorotan river basin.
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