Geobotanical characteristic and structure of relic beech forest in the Shikakhokh reserve (South Armenia)


  • Aliyev Kh. U. ФГБУН Горный ботанический сад ДНЦ РАН
  • Tuniyev B. S. ФГБУ «Сочинский национальный парк», Россия, Краснодарский край
  • Agasyan A. L Научный центр зоологии и гидроэкологии НАН РА


Fagus orientalis Lipsky, South Armenia, relic beech, geobotanical characteristic, structure, age spectrum


The article presents the results of the geobotanical characteristic and structure of the relic area of the beech forest of the Shikakhoh Reserve. The relicness of the investigated area is confirmed by a complex of Hyrcan and ancient Mediterranean tertiary species. In the study area, pure fagatum is located exclusively on the northern exposure of the slope, occupying only 1500 m2 and identified by us as an ass. Fagetum nudum. When moving to the north-west exposure, a change in the dominant formation is observed – due to the lack of moisture in the beech it is replaced by the hornbeam. Such areas occupy small areas and we, for those, are allocated the ass. Carpinetum fagetoso-filicosum. Age spectrum analysis shows a left-sided nature, with the predominance of individuals pre-generative phase. The absence of a juvenile, immacental phase in the pregenerative phase, and a fairly high percentage of the subsenal and senile groups, in our opinion, indicates the death of seedlings in the winter. Death is related to the lack of sufficient snow cover, which is necessary to preserve buds renewal from frosts.


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How to Cite

Kh. U. А., B. S. Т., & A. L А. (2018). Geobotanical characteristic and structure of relic beech forest in the Shikakhokh reserve (South Armenia). TAKHTAJANIA, 4, 31–36. Retrieved from




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