On Distribution of Some Invasive and Expanding Plant Species in Armenia and in the Caucasus
Invasive and expansive plant species, forecast of distribution, climate changeAbstract
The article presents results of the research of the extention of 5 invasive (Ailanthus altissima, Robinia pseudoacacia, Silybum marianum, Echinocystis lobata, Impatiens glandulifera) and 3 expanding (Astragalus galegiformis, Clematis orientalis, Tanacetum vulgare) plant species in Armenia. On the basis of the current distribution of these species, a forecast of their further expansion was made for different climate change scenarios with the use of DIVA-GIS software. Maps with the present-day distribution of the investigated species as well as predictable changes of their areas are enclosed. Besides, the distribution of 6 species considered by A. A. Grossheim (1939) as alien weed monocots and found in Armenia has been analyzed. Authors emphasized the necessity of an urgent assessment of threat to the natural ecosystems from invasive and expansive plant species, their prioritization and elaboration of measures for eradication and/or population limitation.
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