Checklist of Boraginaceae Juss. family in Armenia


  • Tamanyan K. G. Institute of botany after A. Takhtajyan NAS RA


Armenia, Boraginaceae, taxonomy, ecology, distribution


The article presents a checklist of the representatives of Boraginaceae family (25 genera and 82 species) in Armenia. The species’ taxonomy, their distribution in Armenia and worldwide, ecological characteristics, altitudinal distribution, flowering and fructification periods have been defined. The list of species composition of all the genera of the family has been revised. Nine new for the flora of Armenia species have been found: Argusia sibirica (L.) Dandy, Heliotropium szovitsii (Steven) Bunge, Lappula heteracantha (Ledeb.) Guerke, Rochelia persica Bunge ex Boiss., Onosma dichroantha Boiss., Cerinthe glabra Miller, Nonea persica Boiss., N. polychroma Selvi & Bigazzi and Myosotis densiflora K. Koch. According to the modern conception, species Tournefortia sibirica L. is considered within genus Argusia. Genus Buglossoides Moench was singled out from genus Lithospermum. According to W. Greuter (1981) species Aipyanthus pulcher is considered as an independent genus Huynhia Greuter.


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How to Cite

K. G. Т. (2011). Checklist of Boraginaceae Juss. family in Armenia. TAKHTAJANIA, 1, 60–69. Retrieved from




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