Disputable genera Colchicum, Merendera, Bulbocodium, Androcymbium (Colchicaceae) nectaries comparative analyses connected with their systematics and evolution
Colchicum, Merendera, Bulbocodium, Androcymbium, evolution of nectariesAbstract
Colchicum, Merendera, Bulbocodium, Androcymbium taxa macro- and micro morphological structure of staminal nectaries are analyses. Differ on nectaries form, their distribution on tepals, place and level of secretory tissue development, vascular system specify between genera was revealed. Evolution development traces the nectaries structure and morpho logy from Androcymbium to Colchicum and then to Merendera and Bulbocodium is objective. The data increasing specify of this genera on morphology, geography, ecology and kariology revealed earlier. The conclusion on necessity save this taxa as separate genera are doing.
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