Perspectives of use of Mycozoom mycorrhizal drug on the cultivation of annual ornamental crops


  • Martirosyan L. Institute of botany after A. Takhtajyan NAS RA
  • Azaryan K. Ереванский Государственный университет


Mycorrhizal drug Mycozoom, Ageratum houstonianum, Celosia argentea f. plumosа


The influence of the mycorrhizal drug Mycozoom on the growth and development of ornamental annuals (Ageratum houstonianum and Celosia argentea f. plumosа) was studied. The stimulating effect of mycorrhizas on the growth of the investigated plants, their decorative qualities, as well as the activation of the process of photosynthesis was established.


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How to Cite

L. М., & K. А. (2018). Perspectives of use of Mycozoom mycorrhizal drug on the cultivation of annual ornamental crops. TAKHTAJANIA, 4, 111–113. Retrieved from


