Eco-physiological features of some halophytes of Ararat valley


  • Hovakimyan Zh. H. Institute of botany after A. Takhtajyan NAS RA


Halophytes, water regime, transpiration, photosynthesis intensity, adaptation


Three rare halophyte plant species were selected for eco-physiological studies: Halocnemum stro­bilaceum, Halostachys belangeriana, Kalidium caspicum. They are included in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Armenia, and grow in the solonchaks (saline soil) of the experimental plot of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry in the vicin­ity of village Eraskhaun. The parameters of the water regime of plants (free and bound water, water deficiency) and photosyn­thesis were determined. The regulation of these parameters is the result of the complex interaction of individual elements, and is a specific feature that, in combination with other internal factors (structure and depth of penetration of the root system, anatomi­cal structure of the leaves, etc.) ensures their normal growth and development under the extreme conditions of the Ararat valley solonchaks.


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How to Cite

Zh. H. О. (2018). Eco-physiological features of some halophytes of Ararat valley. TAKHTAJANIA, 4, 74–77. Retrieved from


