‘’Zulal’’ on the growth and development of the species of Primula L.


  • Martirosyan L. Institute of botany after A. Takhtajyan NAS RA


Organic substance “Zulal”, growth, development, Primula cortusoides, P. denticulata


The influence of the substance ‘’Zulal’’ on the growth and development of the decorative perennial plants Primula cortusoides L. and P. denticulata Smith. was investigated. Activation of all processes of vital functions in all phases of development of the plants with simultanious augmentation of decorative properties is revealed.


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How to Cite

L. М. (2021). ‘’Zulal’’ on the growth and development of the species of Primula L. TAKHTAJANIA, 7, 91–91. Retrieved from https://takht.sci.am/index.php/takhajania/article/view/22


