GenusAcantholimon Boiss. (Plumbaginaceae) in South Transcaucasia(Armenia, Nakhichevan)


  • Oganesian M. E. Institute of botany after A. Takhtajyan NAS RA


Acantholimon, taxonomy, new species, South Transcaucasia


Instead of 19 species cited for South Transcaucasia (Мирзоева ,1956, 1981; Та мамшян, 1967) we count 15. Two species have been described new to science, A. manakyanii and A. takhtajanii, the latter was previously wrongly identified by Caucasian authors as A. armenum Boiss. or A. balansae (Boiss. & Huet) Bunge. Two species (A. festucaceum (Jaub. & Spach) Boiss. and A. tenuiflorum Boiss.) are new for the flora of Armenia and South Transcaucasia. Nine species (A. avenaceum Bunge, A. calvertii Boiss., A. lepturoides (Jaub. & Spach) Boiss., A. acerosum (Willd.) Boiss., A. puberulum Boiss. & Balansa, A. echinus (L.) Boiss., A. quinquelobum Bunge, A. armenum Boiss., A. scorpius (Jaub. & Spach) Boiss. have been excluded from the floras of the Caucasus or South Transcaucasia. The species cited as A. scorpius (Гроссгейм, 1939) and not mentioned afterwards by С.Г.Та мамшян (1967) is identified as A. tragacanthinum (Jaub. & Spach) Boiss. The lectotype of A. vedicum Mirzoeva has been designated. A checklist of the genus in South Transcaucasia and a key to the species are enclosed.

Author Biography

Oganesian M. E., Institute of botany after A. Takhtajyan NAS RA

I am grateful to Curators and Directors of Herbaria Valeria Shvanova (LE), Manana Khutsishvili (TBI) and Ernst Vitek (W) for their kind assistance. My special thanks to Anush Nersesyan, Ernst Vitek and Walter Till for improving the Latin and to Anton Russell for improving the English.


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How to Cite

M. E., O. (2011). GenusAcantholimon Boiss. (Plumbaginaceae) in South Transcaucasia(Armenia, Nakhichevan). TAKHTAJANIA, 1, 51–59. Retrieved from


