Fore¬casted Climate change as a threat to the rare species Potentilla porphyrantha (Rosaceae).


  • Janjughazyan K. Z. Институт ботаники им. А.Тахтаджяна НАН РА
  • Fayvush G. M. Институт ботаники им. А.Тахтаджяна НАН РА


Armenia, climate change, Potentilla porphyrantha, threat to existence, reintroduction into nature


The article presents the results of forecasting climate change on Mount Amulsar, in the Sevan and Ye­revan botanical gardens, and on the basis of these forecasts, the threat to the existence of a rare species Potentilla porphyrantha Juz. in natural habitats is es­timated. It has been shown that, at least until 2100, climate change does not threaten the natural popula­tions of this species. It is indicated that it is necessary to continue the cultivation and reproduction of this species in the conditions of the Sevan Botanical Gar­den in order to further its reintroduction into nature.


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How to Cite

K. Z. Д., & G. M. Ф. (2021). Fore¬casted Climate change as a threat to the rare species Potentilla porphyrantha (Rosaceae). TAKHTAJANIA, 7, 39–46. Retrieved from




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