On the polyploidy in the family Poaceae of Armenian flora


  • Ghukasyan A. G. Institute of botany after A. Takhtajyan NAS RA


Poaceae, chromosome numbers, polyploid, cytorace


In the paper is done an attempt to analyze the problems of polyploidy in Poaceae family, based on years of karyological researches. Despite the fact that the family Poaceae is characterized by high levels of ploidy (38x, 20x, 18x, etc.) the karyological study of grasses in Armenia registered only tetraploid and hexaploid cytoraces. Among the polyploids predominate tetraploid cytoraces.


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How to Cite

A. G. Г. (2013). On the polyploidy in the family Poaceae of Armenian flora. TAKHTAJANIA, 2, 73–74. Retrieved from https://takht.sci.am/index.php/takhajania/article/view/137


