Sorbus, S. armeniaca, Caucasus, hybridogenous species, anatomical, palynological charactersAbstract
On the basis of taxonomical, morphological, anatomical, palynological and other data the problems of origin of next hybridogenous species of Caucasus are discussed: Sorbus armeniaca, S. caucasica, S. tamamschjanae, S. roopiana, S. persica, S. takhtajanii, S. luristanica, S. kuznetzovii and the Central Asian species of S. turkestanica. Each of them has a specific set of various features. Despite their hybrid origin, these forms are so isolated and viable that they have gained an independent area, which means that they turned into real species. The story of parental pair investigation of S. armeniaca species is given in detail. Photographs and drawings are provided.
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