Materials to the History of the First Mycological Findings in the Republic of Armenia


  • Osipyan L. L. Ереванский Государственный Университет, биологический факультет, кафедра ботаники и микологии


History of mycobiota study, Republic of Armenia, South Caucasus, phytotrophic fungi


Despite the relatively well-documented nature of the phytotrophic mycobiota in the most of the South Caucasus, the current territory of the Republic of Armenia up to the 1930s was one of the least studied in the region. This was followed by a period of systematic and targeted study of not just the phytotrophic mycobiota in the country, but also of many objects of artifi cial ecosystems. As a result, the Republic of Armenia has become one of the best-studied regions in the territory of the South Caucasus and the former USSR.


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How to Cite

L. L. О. (2016). Materials to the History of the First Mycological Findings in the Republic of Armenia. TAKHTAJANIA, 3, 157–160. Retrieved from


