Ection of herbarium of the institute of botany, national academy of sciences, republic Armenia (ere), 5. (additions)


  • Asatrian M.Ya. Institute of botany after A. Takhtajyan NAS RA
  • Oganesian M. E. Institute of botany after A. Takhtajyan NAS RA


Herbarium ERE, type specimens, Global Plants Initiative



 The types collection of Herbarium is supplemented by 58 authentic specimens of vascular plants be­longing to 15 families, 27 genera, 28 species and 17 taxa of subspecific rank. These specimens includes 1 holotypus, 22 isotypes, 8 syntypes, 4 isolectotypes, 1 isoneotypus, 8 paratypes, 11 authentic specimens. In the collection are included 3 topotypes too.The data of the labels are databased and are already in open access at JACQ database (http: // All the specimens are scanned and images will be placed in JACQ database and GPI database (http: // The list of these specimens is given.


Oganesian M. E., Asatrian M. Ya. 2015. Type spec¬imens of Herbarium of Institute of Botany of National Academy of Sciences of Republic Ar¬menia (ERE) // В сб. «Ботаническая наука в современном мире». Мат. междунар. конф., Ереван, 5-9 окт., 2015: 424-427.

Oganesian M. E., Asatrian M. Ya. 2016. Revision of the types collection of Herbarium of Institute of Botany of National Academy of Sciences of Re¬public Armenia (ERE)// Takhtajania, 3: 65-85.

Oganesian M. E., Asatrian M.Ya, Sargsyan M. V., Papikyan A. S., Khachatryan A. S. 2018. Re¬vision of the types collection of Herbarium of the Institute of Botany, of National Academy of Sciences of Republic Armenia (ERE), 2. (Gen¬eral department ) // Takhtajania, 4: 80-99.

Asatrian M. Ya., Oganesian M. E., 2019. Revision of the types collection of Herbarium of Institute of Botany of National Academy of Sciences of Republic Armenia (ERE), 3 (Additions) // Takhtajania, 5: 27-28.

Asatrian M. Ya., Oganesian M. E., 2020. Revision of the types collection of Herbarium of Institute of Botany of National Academy of Sciences of Republic Armenia (ERE), 4. (Additions ) // Takhtajania, 6: 27-28.




How to Cite

M.Ya., A., & M. E., O. (2021). Ection of herbarium of the institute of botany, national academy of sciences, republic Armenia (ere), 5. (additions). TAKHTAJANIA, 7, 32–35. Retrieved from


