Кaryologycal investigations of the species Potentilla porphyrantha (Rosaceae), included in Red Book of Armenia
Potentilla porphyrantha, chromosome number, metacentric chromosomes, karyotypeAbstract
investigation of rare for Armenia and the Caucasus plant species–Potentilla porphyrantha Juz. (Rosaceae) in the article are given. The species is included in the Red Data Book of plants of Armenia (2010) as Critically Endangered. According current data the species grows in Gegham, Darelegis and Zangezur fl oristic regions of Armenia and in NW Iran on rocks and stones on the altitude 2800-4000 m a.s.l. Investigations of germination ability of seeds of Potentilla porphyrantha were carried out in Yerevan and Sevan botanical gardens. Кaryological investigations show the diploid cytorace of Potentilla porphyrantha (2x) with 2n=14 with basic number x=7. Кaryotype is symmetric with small metacentric chromosomes up to 0,8-1,5 mkm.
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