A guideline for the authors



The Festschrift of research papers of the Armenian Botanical Society Takhtajania publishes original articles reflecting the results of researches in different spheres of botany, theoretical articles as well as personalia, materials on scientific activities, etc. Articles must contain new, not published earlier data. After a prepublication review the Editorial Board of the Festschrift decides on publishing the submitted materials.


Preparation of typescripts


  1. Articles are published in the Russian or English languages (font Times New Roman, 12 pt., for article title – 14 pt.).
  2. Layout of articles:

а) Surname, initials of the author. In case there are several authors working in different institutions, each author must be marked with a corresponding number of asterisks and the

addresses of the institutions as well as e-mail addresses must be attached at the end of the article (*, **, ***, etc.)

  1. b) Article title
  2. c) Annotation (10 pt). If the typescript is submitted in the Russian language, the first annotation must be in Russian too (without the surname, first name, patronymic (hereafter SFP) and the article title) followed by annotations in Armenian (font Sylfaen) and English (both with SFP and the article title in bold print). If the typescript is submitted in the English language, the first annotation must be in English too (without SFP, and the article title) followed by annotations in the Armenian (font Sylfaen) and Russian languages (both with SFP, and the article title in bold print).
  3. d) Key words
  4. e) Text of articles. Articles of an experimental character must, as a rule, have the following sections: introduction (with or without a subtitle), materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions.
  5. f) Acknowledgements
  6. g) References


The name(s) and address(es) of the institutions where the work was carried out and the e-mail address(es) of the author(s) of the article must be given at the end of the article.

Typescripts are to be submitted in one computer printed original (sheet A4) or in electronic version.

Pages must be numbered consecutively.

The names of taxa (except the authors) must appear in the text only in Latin, in Italic (in tables they can be not italicised). If possible, local names should be avoided.

All the tables and figures must be numbered and references

to them in the text are mandatory.

When citing taxa of specific and lower ranks for the first time, it is necessary to indicate their authors, whereas for taxa of a higher rank it depends on the context of the article. In taxonomic articles the spelling of the authors’of the taxa must be checked with «Authors of Plant Names» (Brummitt, Powell, 1992) and International Plant Names Index: https://www.ipni.org/. Hereinafter the names of these taxa must be cited without the authors. Articles including lists of species (floristical checklists, etc) must be verified with the Checklist by S.K. Czerepanov “Vascular Plants of Russia and Adjacent States (former USSR)”, 1995, Saint Petersburg, or with other manuals/ directories.

When describing taxa and discussing nomenclature issues, authors are requested to adhere to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (http://www.iapt-taxon.org/nomen/main.php?page=title).

Description of the new taxa have to be 1) Latin or English mandatory 2) Russian (nonmandatory) text of diagnosis.

Acronyms of Herbaria must be checked by Index Herbariorum: http://sweetgum.nybg.org/science/ih/

Names of periodical must correspond to second edition of B-P-H: Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum (https://huntbot.org/bph/).

References to literary sources must be made according to the following pattern:

Bibliographic references in the text of the article are given only in Latin, for example, Tsaturyan, Gevorgyan (2007). Reference format: in parentheses the surname of the author(s) or the first word of the title, year, if necessary - colon and page number (p.) without indicating “p.” or "page". If there are several links, they are listed in chronological order of publication.

– In case the author’s name is mentioned in the text: “as A. L. Takhtajan noted (1987)”;

– In case the name of the author is not mentioned in the text: “as it was noted before (Takhtajan, 1987)”;

– In case the page numbers are referred to, especially for quotations: (Takhtajan, 1987: 47– 53).

The same rules are valid for foreign authors as well. The names of foreign authors must be spelled in their original form. The author’s initials are given only when the author’s name is mentioned for the first time. References to works are cited in chronological order of their publication: (Melchior, 1964; Cronquist, 1981; Carlquist, 1988; Hunziker, 2001). If the article has two authors, both names must be mentioned in the text, e.g.: (Gabrielian & Zohary, 2004). If the article has more than two authors, their names must be given in the text as follows: (Avetisyan and others, 2004) or (Mesa & al., 1998), whereas the list of the used literature must contain a full list of the authors of the given article, e.g. «Mesa M., Munoz-Schick A. M., Pinto R. B. 1998.».


Literature cited


The list of the used literature must include only literary sources referred to in the article.


The literary sources must be cited in the following form:

–  if the author cites an article published in Russian (Armenian), the text must contain a reference in English, e.g. Tsaturyan, Gevorgyan (2007), whereas the list the cited literature must first include English translation of all the information on the cited article (in alphabetical order among articles in English), followed by the Russian (or Armenian) version enclosed in square braces. For instance:


Zuyev V. V. 1990. On the systematics of Gentianaceae family in Siberia // Bot. Zhurn., 75, 9: 1296– 1305 (in Russ.) [Зуев В. В. 1990. Систематика семейства Gentianaceae в Сибири // Бот. журн., 75, 9: 1296– 1305].

Tsaturyan T. G., Gevorgyan M. L. 2007. Wild edible plants in Armenia. Yerevan. 300 p. (in Arm.) [Ծատուրյան Թ. Գ.Գեւորգյան Մ. Լ. 2007. Հայաստանի ուտելի վայրի բույսերը: Երեւան: 300 էջ:]


Format of literary sources


  1. Articles from periodical publications the following information is needed:

SFP; year of publication; title of the article // title of the publication, volume (if there is such); issue number (if there is such) (omitting words «Volume» or «Vol.», «Edition» or «Ed.», «N» or «no»), and after a colon «:» and a space pages must be given. For instance:

Carlquist S. 1988. Wood anatomy and relationships of Duckeodendraceae and Goetzeaceae // IAWA Bulletin, 9: 3– 12.


  1. Monographs: SFP; year of publication; title of the book; place of publication; total number of pages, e. g.

Cronquist A. 1981. An integrated system of classification of flowering plants. New York.1262 p.


  1. Multivolume publications

 At the end of the article the place of publication and number of pages must also be noted without any abbreviations. Furthermore:

–  references to the authors of separate articles or treatments should be made as follows:

Bentham G. (1873) 1876. Solanaceae // G. Bentham & J. D. Hooker. Genera plantarum 2, 2: 882– 913. London.

Wendelbo P. 1974. Fumariaceae: Corydalis Vent. // K. H. Rechinger (ed.). Flоra Iranica, 110: 17– 19. Graz.

–  references to the whole volume must be made as follows:

Davis P. H. (ed.). 1972. Flora of Turkey, 4. Edinburgh. 657 p.

–  when the text contains reference to all (or several) volumes of a many-volumed publication of the same author or editor of the publication, the information on each volume must be listed separately as shown below:


Takhtajan A. L. (ed.) 1980. Life of Plants. V.5, 1. Moscow. 430 p. (in Russ.) (Таxтаджян А. Л. (ред.) 1980. Жизнь растений. Т. 5, 1. Москва. 430 c.)

Takhtajan A. L. (ed.) 1981. Life of Plants V.5, 2. Moscow. 430 p. (in Russ.) (Таxтаджян А. Л. (ред.) 1981. Жизнь растений. Т. 5, 2. Москва. 511 c.)


  1. Festschrifts and abstracts:

D’Arcy W. G. 1979. The classification of Solanaceae // J. G. Hawkes, R. N. Lester & A. D. Skelding (eds.). The Biology and Taxonomy of the Solanaceae: 3– 48. London.

Tamanyan K. 1999. Useful plants of Armenian flora // Development of the full project for in-situ conservation and sustainable use of agrobiodiversity. Materials of the logical

framework workshop: 38. Yerevan.


  1. Doctoral theses:

Zernov А. S. 1998. Flora of North-West Transcaucasia. Synopsis of the PhD thesis (Biology). Moscow. 16. (in Russ.) (Зернов А. С. 1998. Флора Северо-Западного Закавказья. Автореф. дисс. … канд. биол. наук. Москва. 16 c.)

  1. Spacing:

–  in the text when writing the initials and surname(s) of the author(s) of the article or of the author(s) of the cited literature, e. g.

  1. E. Oganesian. D’Arcy W. G.

–  in the list of the used literature, e. g.

Oganesian M. E.

–  when citing an abbreviated name of the literary source (usually journals), e. g.

«Bot. Zhurn.», “Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard.” and others.